Friday, June 26, 2009

Vana-Viru St, Tallinn

Autumn is easily my favourite time of the year, because then it is the easiest to combine interesting outfits. I like layering, but in the summer it is not that easy. However, everything I do and wear is strongly affected how I feel and what my mood is: when I’m sad I tend to go for dark colours and styles that would blend in with general street style, when I’m happy or just want to experiment I go for bright colours so I could get the attention I want. Currently I’m looking for a red Scottish tartan jacket with a pattern similar to the shoes I’m wearing today. However, I never find clothes I have in mind so in the end I will go and ask my grandmother to sew me them.

Vabaduse Square, Tallinn

Art in Estonia is in what I would call a semi-permanent stage– it doesn’t change too much, but nothing disappears either. But I do like art as such, because I’m studying interior design at the Estonian Academy of Arts. So, art is definitely affecting my interest in clothes and my personal style, but, to be honest, lately I have been less and less and interested in fashion, because all these new ‘trends’ change constantly and high street chains produce so much stuff, so now I try to think more about what I buy and make sure that I really want/need them. This might be, also, a result of my friends suggesting that I have too many clothes.

Tammsaare’s Park, Tallinn

To be honest, I rarely wear second-hand or vintage clothes, I prefer to buy new clothes, but today I’m wearing my mother’s old skirt and I think it looks great. I try to follow fashion, but I think it is more unconsciously, because I don’t care too much about designer labels. However, I try to keep up with Estonian fashion. I have been following it more passionately since I was a model at last year’s Supernoova for Marleen Roosna. However, I think most Estonian designers focus more on their art and show than the actual wearability of their clothes. There is nothing wrong with that, but I think it might distantiate many who would be interested in it otherwise.


Anonymous Goldie said...

I'm so glad to see you are back to blogging! Also, I love the new layout style!

26 June, 2009 23:01  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oi kui ilusad pildid! Miks mina küll selliseid inimesi kunagi Tallinnas ei näe?!

27 June, 2009 09:56  

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